Answering the Arguments

There are several common arguments that people make in favor of abortion. In this post, we will answer each of these arguments briefly. 

  1. A woman has a right to control her own body. While it is true that a woman should control her own body, the baby’s body is not her own. It is a different body with a genetic code that differs from the mother’s. (In most cases, the woman got pregnant by not controlling her own body). 

  1. We cannot know if the fetus is a human being. If that is so, shouldn’t the benefit of the doubt go to preserving life? Scripture teaches and science affirms that the unborn are living human beings.  

  1. It is better to abort a child than abuse one. Abortion is the worst form of child abuse. What could be more abusive than cutting someone into pieces or burning them with poison?  

  1. We cannot impose our morality on others. Wouldn’t this same argument apply to murder or rape? This nation was founded on morality. Those who make this argument are the very people trying to impose their immorality on others! 

  1. People are going to have abortions anyway. Again, this same argument could apply to murder or rape. Because people are going to murder anyway, should we go ahead and legalize murder? Laws do affect behavior and change attitudes.  

  1. Rape victims should be able to abort the child. The violence of abortion parallels the violence of rape. Why should the innocent child suffer the death penalty for the actions of his father? Abortion will not bring healing to the woman, it will only add to the shame. (Let it be noted that less than 1% of abortions are performed as a result of rape). 

  1. If we outlaw abortions, many women will die in back alleys. The number of mothers who may die in back alleys trying to have an abortion pales in comparison to the number of babies dying each day in abortion clinics.  

  1. You support the death penalty. Capital punishment is rooted in a respect for innocent human life. There is a vast difference between punishing a convicted murderer and killing an innocent child.   

There are probably other arguments, but these eight are the most common ones. There is no good reason to kill an innocent child.