On March 6, 1857, the United States Supreme Court ruled on the infamous Scott v. Stanford case that gave legal justification to slavery. The Court decided that blacks were not legal persons and that Congress had no authority to prohibit slavery. Thankfully, that awful decision was finally overturned.
All sensible people will agree that it was wrong to deem an entire group to be inferior because of their skin color. Such injustice should never have been tolerated. March 6, 1857 was truly one of the darkest days in American history.
Roe v. Wade is the Scott v. Stanford of the twentieth century. Just as it was wrong to deem an entire group of people to be inferior because of their skin color, it is equally as wrong to deem an entire group of people to be inferior because of their age, location, and stage of development. January 22, 1973 was also one of the darkest days in our nation’s history.
I know that sometimes pro-life advocates feel like exiles living in pro-choice America. Our motives are impugned. Our intentions are misrepresented. We are depicted as religious fanatics who want to impose our morality on others. It is even suggested that the violent extremists on the fringe characterize every pro-lifer. However, we must be the voice for the voiceless. We must continue fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves!